Thursday, December 2, 2010

What I learned from teaching

I use to work at a cubscout camp, so teaching today was like a blast from the past, the difference being that these kids were roughly a year older than the kids from cub scout camp, there were no parents to help the kids out, and we had to create our own lessons as oppose to having a lesson given to you and being told to do it. I enjoyed teaching today, though I wish I could have taught the ice cream portion with groups of 10 as oppose to the group of 31. Getting the kids to shake up a storm is really difficult in such a large group, and maybe that's true in teaching overall. Perhaps that's the real reason deacons quorums are suppose to be no larger than 12, because any larger and they become unmanageable. I enjoyed the group of 10 because it was much easier to maintain control and keep students on task. I can see why so many teachers fight against the growing number of students per classroom.

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